I am very happy to announce my invitation to the great festival “Cinema Ritrovato” in Bologna ! This is a festival with a great reputation and history. Most of the live music is done by piano players. So this will be a fine experiment to take this into an experimental direction as well. I will play live to the silent movie “Unschuld die kleine Veronika”(1930) by Robert Land. This will take place in a beautiful outdoor plaza – Piazzetta Pasolini. There is seats for 400 people, its open air, and I am loving it already. So if you are close by any means, please stop by !
it looks like this:
Also I wanna mention that we had a very fine and touching premiere of out new piece “Die andere Hälfte des Himmels at Kunsthaus Nexus in Saalfeld. The audience was very attentive,  the crew of the nexus very supportive to our work.  We will now start a little touring with it. fixed are the 9th and the 10th of June in salzburg – please check out the live section. For the fall there a re a few different locations in planning, around Salzburg, but also at the VĂślkerkundemuseum Wien, in Graz at Theater am Bahnhof and a few others.
We got a great preview in the Salzburger Nachrichten and now the ORF national Television wants to make a broadcast around the piece, and Barbaras Grandfather´s story.
Here is a glimpse of the premiere: