(c) barbara pálffy

(c) barbara pálffy


I got a call from Ernst Kurt Weigel who was looking for someone to write music for their next theaterplay. It should be an opera. KZ.IMAGNAIRE was the title. We exchanged webadresses, and set up a first meeting. Here we discussed our views on opera, music and theatre in general. Talked about his history with his grandfather, which would be part of the storie. „ Molieres „la malade imaginaire“ and life in genreal. I got a first draft of the piece, which also contained lyrics for one song, and gave away my solo cd´s in exchange.  We had one more meeting, and decided to jump into this new adventure. Weeks later, I got to meet the great ensemble for the first time, and we tried out some of my rough first ideas and sang together.

I really liked the way they work, the ensemble members, the room, the setting. What came out of it is maybe a very modern approach to opera or a very musical piece of theater.

A wild mix with lots of emotions and colours. The music is drawing from all corners and colours and structures. For the first time I also worked with a mixture of my KMET solo live-loop setup combined with lots of preparations like cello bow, needles and percussion brushes to „beat“ or „stroke“ the guitar. For the first time I used my snare drum live and combined this with arranged original playback music.  This worked well, after quite a journey of trying out different ways and machines to get this running.

I didn´t want to be onstage with a computer, so I ended up trying out different playbackmachines, until I settled for an easy sampler that the bernhard ensemble had used before. So this was a fun learning process, and the outcome was open to me.

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Press Reviews

Andrea Schurian, 2. 11. 2015

Schwarzer Humor im Off-Theater: Das Bernhard-Ensemble zeigt im Rahmen des Netzzeit-Festivals “Out of Control” die Uraufführung eines Stücks von Ernst.K. Weigel. Das eisern beibehaltene Regiekonzept im Off-Theater in der Kirchengasse: Zwischen Commedia dell’Arte und Wiener Aktionismus ist alles möglich und absolut nichts tabu…..Eine wirklich tolle Teambereicherung ist Florian Kmet als Einmann-Band, der das groteske, überdrehte, traurige, lustige, gnadenlose Spiel live begleitet. Fast möchte man sagen: es mit seinem groovigen Gitarrensound, dem Kratzen und Scheuern und Zupfen, mit seinen Schlagwerkzeugen, Loops und Mixes sensibel lenkt. Auf den Paukenschlag genau die Slapstickereien. Schlicht wunderschön die Melodien für die (übrigens echt guten) Songs.

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(c) barbara pálffy

(c) barbara pálffy