My friend Jorge Sanches-Chiong invited me to join the team to develop  the “Opera of Entropy” in february 2016. It was developed through different phases of laboratory work over the last two years. The musical part for the opera began to form in March 2016. One of my agendas was exploring the wide field of tunings.

This was a cooperation of 15 people coming from the field of the fine arts, research, performance, physics, video art and mathematics.

The Musiktheatertage write:
A postdramatic opera-performance on the present world-wide crisis scenario of disintegration, based on narrations of actual people.

Every day we make history. Each of us creates reality. Every minute. Every second entropy is increasing. Disorder, discontinuity, disinformation, decomposition and decay create concrete entropic phenomenons. The destabilisation of Europe and its social structure, corruption, climate change, suicide attacks and war produce depressions, ADHD affecting young people, disorientation and burnout and an inability to make decisions. Increasing numbers of people actively engage, but just as many escape into repression or a fun society. An inter-active installation that generates a fractal of our present by creating a resonating communicative and musical space with the audience. A present-time opera.

Find more informations as well under: www.nomad-theatre.eu 

Marian Kaiser (Text, discourse-dramaturgy, performance)
MELA Marie Spaemann (Sampling music performance, cello, vocals)
Pit Noack (Sound-art, programming)
Christina Hartl-Prager (Photographic body installation)
Max Hoffmann (Performer, actor, mathematics)
Gerald Nestler (Conceptual installation, economics)
Lucie Strecker (Cryptography, feminist discourse)
Florian Kmet  (Soundscape, guitar)
Thomas Wagensommerer (Physical installation, game programming)
Louise Linsenbolz (Video, performance)
David Christopher Panzl (Multi-Percussionist, soundscape creator)

Guest experts
Hanada Al Refai (Mathematician, political activist, from Syria, in Vienna as refugee)
Margarete Jahrmann (Media artist, professor at Zürich Arts University)
Stefan Glasauer (Neuroscientist, professor at Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany)
Armin Medosch (Artist, media expert, journalist, and professor at Belgrade University of Media and Arts)

Artistic direction, installation, and system architecture: Thomas J. Jelinek
Sound architecture and composition: Jorge Sanchez-Chiong
Technical conception, video: Peter Koger
Sound engineering: Florian Bogner
Dramaturgy and production: Georg Steker

A coproduction of NOMAD.theatre and MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN in cooperation with mediaOpera, Tanzquartier Wien and ZWNTRALWERK Dresden

photos b. Sascha Osaka(2,4) and Nick Mangafas

Opera of Entropy


Opera of EntropyOpera of EntropyOpera of Entropy


Opera of EntropyOpera of Entropy