TitelbildBF15-1 Kopie

Riot Dancer (2015)

When meeting up with director Martin Gruber of the Aktionstheaterensemble it was clear this would have to be done with a special drummer. Maybe even a larger ensemble. In the end I could invite Bernhard Breuer on drums and Jakob Schneidewind on bass. Together they have been playing in their fabulous band „electro guzzi“ for years. So I was sure that bass and drums would  have total synergy, which was what I was looking for. This came together in a wonderful way with countertenor Hubert Wild, who was part of the actors ensemble. He can sing like a birds, and also play the violin.

So working was total fun. With lots of input from the players it was a great experience to form and steer the ensemble in different directions. pushing their and my boundaries.

Riot dancer shows a overstrained society, where everything has been said. Trapped in a  competition about truth, freedom and justice. So there is only one wish: change;  And so the players of the aktiostheaterensemble prance torwards the apocalypse. Laughters and the hope.
The premiere was at Bregenzer Festpielhaus on may 8th 2015. The vienna premiere is on January 13th 2016 at Werk X Vienna.

Director, Book: Martin Gruber
Text: Aktionstheater Ensemble, Wolfgang Mörth, Claudia Tondl
Dramaturgy: Martin Ojster
Composition: KMET
Live-Musik: KMET, Bernhard Breuer, Jakob Schneidewind, Hubert Wild
Directors Assistance: Annina Weiss
Actors: Susanne Brandt, Michaela Bilgeri, Isabella Jeschke, Andreas Jähnert, Alexander Meile, Christian Rajchl, Kirstin Schwab, Hubert Wild u.a.

Press Reviews

Die Neue (pdf)
Vorarlberger Nachrichten (pdf)
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Pressefotos RIOT DANCER (c) Gerhard Breitwieser (19)

Riot Dancer4© Dietlinger

Pressefotos RIOT DANCER (c) Gerhard Breitwieser (36)